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The Mental Sherpa Radio Show

the mental sherpa podcast & radio show

Life is a journey. In fact, we all try to strategize and make life feel like we are in control of what happens. By making it predictable we can avoid confronting the unknown! However, the fact is that life never gets easier; you just get to know yourself better. Theta Springs Podcast "The Mental Sherpa" has a mission. Our mission  is to help people have a better relationship with themselves. By discovering one’s self, a person is able to navigate life with core foundational tools that can help solidify self trust, self confidence, and see the world through the lenses of opportunity verse feeling they are a victim and at the effect of things in their life.  The Mental Sherpa show is not here to offer a one size fits all approach to people’s problems or issues. We are here to provide insight that you can utilize to help make sense of your particular situation. 

The Mental Sherpa Radio Show

originally aired on the Voice America Talk Radio Network January 2016-April 2016